Irish Language
I started teaching Irish after having moved to New York. I already had a strong and positive relationship with the language due primarily to my extended family's connection to the Gaeltacht and I was anxious to maintain this link to my heritage albeit in New York. Shortly after moving a friend and I established a conversation circle called Baicle Chomhrá. Before long I was asked to teach Irish in the education program of a cultural organization in Westchester County, NY.
Sacred Heart University
Fairfield CT
I'm delighted to have been recently invited to join the Irish Studies team at Sacred Heart University in Connecticut where I will be setting up a new Irish language program.
Classes will be available for undergraduates and also for faculty and staff.
New York University
Greenwicg Village NY
I was affiliated with Irish Studies at Glucksman Ireland House (GIH), NYU from 2007 until 2023 where I taught four levels of Irish. NYU Bio: More
I have also completed many Graphic Design projects for GIH including the James Connolly Exhibition in 2014.
Daltaí na Gaeilge
I have been affiliated with Daltaí na Gaeilge for over 20 years. I've taught at many wonderful Irish Language weekends. I've also represented the organization at events held in locations in the United States.
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie NY
Currently I am the External Examiner for Irish Language at Vassar College. I have been affiliated with the lesser-taught language program at Vassar since being invited to teach Irish there in 2005.
Iona College
New Rochelle NY
In 2003 I established An Scoil Chois Claí, The Hedge School, located at Iona College with the support of Brother Charles Quinn. Employing two other teachers we presented 4 levels of Irish at evening classes and celebrated the language with an annual Irish Language Day.
2003 to 2012
Purchase, NY
I was invited to teach Irish in Purchase College Continuing Education program in 2003
Tara Circle
Yonkers NY
Tara Circle was an Irish Cultural Organization located in Yonkers, NY. I started my career teaching Irish in its education program in 1998